I want to tell you about another use for using UDAP Bear Spray. My name is Todd and I am an Ironman Triathlete. My sport involves swimming, cycling, and running. I live in Alabamaand spend many hours cycling on country roads training. I love the country roads because there are usually not any cars. But, I have always had problems with dogs. Dogs love to chase me and cause me problems. This is extremely annoying and even startling if a dog comes upon you when you are not paying attention. Also, a dog can be extremely dangerous because of the speeds you travel while cycling. A dog made me wreck once causing damage to my bike (which costs $4,000) and causing me to get injured.
The only protection I had against dogs was a loud voice and spraying them with my water bottles. Usually this only kept them at bay and they would always be there waiting for me on my return trip or my next ride. This was very frustrating.
I was talking once with some fellow triathletes and we were having an entire conversation about how much we hate dogs because of the problems they cause us on the bike. This was a very bonding conversation. One of the guys said he uses UDAP Bear Spray to protect himself and the dogs do not bother him anymore. I ordered my first bottle the next day!
My next ride, I tucked the UDAP Bear Spray in one of my bottle holders on my bike and went out for my ride hoping for some payback. Of course, I did not have any problems with any dogs. After about two weeks, I was riding and I started being chased by three dogs. I saw them charging at me and I got out my UDAP Bear Spray. When the dogs were close, I fired the spray at the dogs and missed. I was amazed at how streamline and how far the spray went. It startled me as much as it startled the dogs. The dogs stopped in their tracks and did not bother me even though I missed. They stood there confused. Since then, I have used the spray many, many times. I have sprayed many dogs and put them down from far enough away that I was never in any danger.
Once a dog gets even the smallest taste of UDAP Bear Spray, he never bothers me again. I repeat, he never bothers me again! He will sit there from a distance and watch me ride by. I just smile J
Thank you UDAP! I am now able to enjoy all of my bike rides.
Todd – Ironman Triathlete -Muscle Shoals, AL