Tips for Using Your UDAP Bear Spray

Using Your UDAP Bear Spray

So you purchased your UDAP Bear Spray and not you want to know how to use it. fter purchasing your bear spray, please read all directions and warnings on label. There is a package insert that provides detail information, but here are a few useful tips as well:

•    Test fire – downwind – outside – pointed safely away from people and pets

•    Contents may travel and/or linger longer than expected. Using a quick half-second burst will increase safety and confidence with this product.

•    To prevent loss of safety clip, we tie the safety clip to the handle. (Please leave attached)

•    The holster keeps UDAP Pepper Power® safe and reliable.

•    DO NOT carry UDAP Pepper Power® in your pocket, fanny pack, or backpack. For quick silent access in a close encounter attack it is best to carry Pepper Power®, in one of our unique holsters.

•    Keep loose clothing out of the way.

In any kind of attack situation you have to react under pressure. Attacks can be fast, often leaving you no time to think, only time to react. We strongly recommend you take time to familiarize yourself with this product’s operation.

Bear Attacks

In the past decade, there have been 27 fatal incidences of bear attacks in North America, resulting in 29 deaths. 15 were in Canada, three were in Alaska, two were in Tennessee, and single fatal bear attacks happened in New York, New Mexico, California, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Utah and Montana. 17 of those fatal bear attacks were inflicted by black bears, and 10 by grizzlies.

Bear attacks happen as fast as lightning!!! Most situations where you will need to use bear pepper spray will be in a close surprise encounter. When people are injured by bears in most cases it is due to the fact that the person and the bear were unaware of each others close proximity. In a surprise encounter as this, a person usually has less than 2 seconds to react. UDAP Pepper Power’s® belief is to get as much bear pepper spray as possible between you and the bear in that 2 seconds.

Bear Spray Time or Volume; What Would You Prefer?

A marketing ploy often used in the bear spray/pepper spray world is that a minimum of 6 seconds of continuous spray is required in order for the spray to be effective. How can anyone make that assertion, when many factors dictate whether or not pepper spray will be effective?

Wind direction and velocity, distance of spray vs. distance of bear at the time of spray, volume of spray per second, concentration of pepper in the spray, and area covered by the spray are all important factors as to whether or not a particular brand of bear pepper spray will be effective.

Unlike other brands that spray a slower forming narrow fog of bear pepper spray, UDAP Pepper Power® Bear Spray deploys a high volume powerful blast of highly concentrated pepper spray in a dense fog – covering a broader area in a much shorter period of time.

bear deterrent

If an angry grizzly charged at you, which type of pepper spray would you want?  One that emits a thick high volume fog of pepper spray in a powerful blast, or one that advertises it has over 6 seconds of spray time?

Now, play the video of an actual bear charge. Then ask yourself the following: How many seconds did the attack take?  How many seconds would I need to defend myself against such an attack?

Now answer this question: “How much bear pepper spray would you want to put between you and an attacking grizzly; how quickly would you want to put it there?”

Get the facts…don’t believe the hype and misleading charts! We have never seen any data to backup this marketing ploy.

UDAP Bear Spray Works!

Bear Deterrent Spray Volume

 UDAP Pepper Power has a different philosophy than the competition when it comes to how our bear spray is made. Our bear spray has the highest amount of spray volume possible to stop an attacking bear. Mark Matheny the president and grizzly bear attack survivor knows firsthand how fast a bear can charge and how quickly a bear can reach you.  In fact, most cases when a bear attacks it is because its personal space has been invaded. Usually within 30 yards, the average time for the bear to reach you in an attack situation is about 2 seconds.  We feel you want to get as much bear pepper spray out in front of you as quickly as possible hitting the bear hard in those 2 seconds.  This is why we designed our holsters in a way that the bear spray can be shot without drawing the canister. You can actually shoot from the holster. This is great if you are on the river fly fishing, you can shoot the bear spray directly from your holster!

 UDAP Pepper Power has a different philosophy than the competition when it comes to how our bear spray is made. Our bear spray has the highest amount of spray volume possible to stop an attacking bear. Mark Matheny the president and grizzly bear attack survivor knows firsthand how fast a bea

Think of a bear attack as a fire starting. All bear sprays use a fire extinguisher style trigger mechanism. In fact that is what the bear spray firing mechanism is designed for. When a fire starts or a bear attacks, wouldn’t you rather put the fire our right away before it has a chance to reach further? UDAP’s belief to put the bear’s fire out instantly stopping the bear’s aggressive behavior in the quickest time possible not allowing the aggressive behavior to progress.

Why higher spray volume helps

Wind: A more forceful spray can reach further in windy conditions. This is an observation in a study done by Tom S. Smith, Stephen Herrero, Terry D. Debruyn and James M. Wilder.  This is what they found. “High exit velocities of spray from cans likely compensate for cross-wind effects and may account for the low incidence of wind-related effects reported in Alaska.”

Rain: Like a strong wind, hard rain requires a forceful spray to compensate for the elements. the higher volume helps the concentration of pepper remain in the air longer. UDAP bear spray can reach further in the rain.

Sight and Sound: It was reported in the study mentioned above that in 14% of bear spray instances the sight and sound associated with spray release were reported as key factors in changing bear behavior. A more forceful spray has a much louder sound and a larger visible cloud as observed in the video below.