Fly Cast Fishing in Montana

Fishing season is just around the corner and one of my favorite places in Montana to fish is the scenic Gallatin Valley near Bozeman, Montana.  They are truly blessed with hundreds of miles of blue ribbon trout water.  Those waters include, but are not limited to, the Yellowstone, Gallatin, Bighorn, Jefferson, Stillwater, Boulder and Missouri rivers.  Let’s don’t forget the world renowned spring creeks in Paradise Valley, as well as some lesser known but equally amazing spring creeks and lakes in that area. Fly Cast Fishing at its best.

Fly Cast Fishing in Montana
UDAP chest holster
is a great product and works well for Fly Cast Fishermen or anyone fishing and enjoying the great outdoors.  UDAP Pepper Power holsters are designed for an individual to have instant and silent access to the canister. Every UDAP holster is designer for bear spray to shoot right from the holster if time does not allow you to draw it.

Fly Cast Fishing in Montana
Before you head out the door, make sure that you are doing more than just carrying your Bear Spray! Make sure that you know how to use it. Practice using it. It took practice to learn how to catch those blue ribbon trout and the same is true for using Bear Spray properly. Practice, practice, practice! Now go enjoy that great Montana Flyfishing!

How To Survive a Bear Attack

You are taking a nice hike through the woods and all of a sudden you find yourself face-to-face with a bear.

What do you do?

Be sure to prepare yourself the next time you hit the trail in bear country, carry UDAP Bear Spray! Bear pepper spray deterrent is proven your best defense in stopping a bear attack. Remember to carry your bear pepper spray where it is accessible and you know how to use it. You will be relying on your reflexes to help you get your spray deployed into the face of a charging bear. Practice several times going for your spray. This simple step can save your life!

Where Do Brown Bears Live?

Where Do Brown Bears Live?
Brown bears can be found in forests and woodlands, sub alpine mountain areas, scrub, shrub and brushlands, lakes, ponds, rivers & streams to name a few. and across the tundra region. They can be found in Rocky Mountains, Southwest, Northwest, Western Canada, and Alaska.

In some areas their appearance and color depends on their habitat, diet and season. And did you know that the Grizzly Bear that lives in the contiguous U.S. is on the U.S. Endangered Species List. It is classified as threatened in the lower 48 states, although its current range extends only into Idaho, Montana, Washington (rarely), and Wyoming. (It has not been recorded in Colorado in many years.) It is said that
50,000 Grizzlies roamed the western U.S. in 1800 from the Canadian border to Mexico, as far east as the middle of the Great Plains. However, the settlement and development of the West meant changes to and destruction of the Grizzly’s habitat, competition with humans for game such as White-tailed Deer, and clashes between bears and humans.

For many, grizzlies have always been seen as a threat to humans and livestock, and were hunted, trapped, and poisoned extensively, both for food and fur and to eliminate them from areas where humans lived. In 1975, when the Grizzly Bear came under the protection of the U.S. Endangered Species Act, only about 1,000 remained in the lower 48 states.

Warning All North American bears can be dangerous in the following situations:

  • When accompanied by cubs
  • When surprised by the sudden appearance of humans
  • When approached while feeding, guarding a kill, fishing, hungry, injured, or breeding
  • When conditioned to human foods, as has occurred in some Canadian and U.S. parks

If you are camping, you must firmly seal up food and place it out of reach. Bears will break into unattended vehicles if they smell food. The Grizzly is the most dangerous of all bears. Do not feed, approach, surprise at close range, or get between a Grizzly Bear and its food or cubs. While Grizzlies normally avoid humans, they will attack and have been known to seriously injure and even kill humans. Grizzlies can outrun
humans, and can climb trees. If charged by a Grizzly, stand your ground; if attacked, lie flat on your stomach and play dead.

To get your UDAP Bear Spray, please visit us online today!

Bear Spray for Hunters

With hunting season upon us, don’t forget to carry UDAP Bear Spray on all of your hunting trips!

Bear Spray for Hunters

“Hunters and other people who spend time in grizzly country need to take steps to reduce encounters with grizzlies, including carrying pepper spray, keeping clean camps and following proper food storage procedures. The future of grizzly bears depends upon it.” Greater Yellowstone Report Fall 1997 – Grizz Mortality Alarming and Avoidable by Tim Stevens

Hunters credit repellent with saving their lives “The two men have this advice for hunters. Take enough deterrent.” Bozeman Daily Chronicle September 27, 1992 – Bear spray works by Joan Haines

Good luck to all of the hunters out there this season and please, don’t forget your UDAP Bear Spray!

Outdoor Safety

It’s summer time and most of us are enjoying the great outdoors! Camping, fishing, hiking, biking and many other outdoor activities. But I want to encourage you, while you are having fun outside, don’t forget to remember outdoor safety!

Outdoor Safety

There are lots of bugs, so don’t forget the bug spray. Don’t forget your UDAP Bear Spray-it works on more than just bears! If you run into a moose who charges, a mountain lion that wants to attack, a charging buffalo or any animal who is going to attack-you can use UDAP Bear Spray to protect yourself and your family!
Enjoy the great outdoors this summer with your family! And don’t forget to bathe/shower and check yourself and family members for ticks when you get home.

Bear Deterrent Spray Volume

 UDAP Pepper Power has a different philosophy than the competition when it comes to how our bear spray is made. Our bear spray has the highest amount of spray volume possible to stop an attacking bear. Mark Matheny the president and grizzly bear attack survivor knows firsthand how fast a bear can charge and how quickly a bear can reach you.  In fact, most cases when a bear attacks it is because its personal space has been invaded. Usually within 30 yards, the average time for the bear to reach you in an attack situation is about 2 seconds.  We feel you want to get as much bear pepper spray out in front of you as quickly as possible hitting the bear hard in those 2 seconds.  This is why we designed our holsters in a way that the bear spray can be shot without drawing the canister. You can actually shoot from the holster. This is great if you are on the river fly fishing, you can shoot the bear spray directly from your holster!

 UDAP Pepper Power has a different philosophy than the competition when it comes to how our bear spray is made. Our bear spray has the highest amount of spray volume possible to stop an attacking bear. Mark Matheny the president and grizzly bear attack survivor knows firsthand how fast a bea

Think of a bear attack as a fire starting. All bear sprays use a fire extinguisher style trigger mechanism. In fact that is what the bear spray firing mechanism is designed for. When a fire starts or a bear attacks, wouldn’t you rather put the fire our right away before it has a chance to reach further? UDAP’s belief to put the bear’s fire out instantly stopping the bear’s aggressive behavior in the quickest time possible not allowing the aggressive behavior to progress.

Why higher spray volume helps

Wind: A more forceful spray can reach further in windy conditions. This is an observation in a study done by Tom S. Smith, Stephen Herrero, Terry D. Debruyn and James M. Wilder.  This is what they found. “High exit velocities of spray from cans likely compensate for cross-wind effects and may account for the low incidence of wind-related effects reported in Alaska.”

Rain: Like a strong wind, hard rain requires a forceful spray to compensate for the elements. the higher volume helps the concentration of pepper remain in the air longer. UDAP bear spray can reach further in the rain.

Sight and Sound: It was reported in the study mentioned above that in 14% of bear spray instances the sight and sound associated with spray release were reported as key factors in changing bear behavior. A more forceful spray has a much louder sound and a larger visible cloud as observed in the video below.

Hiking in The Great Outdoors

Are you a hiker or do you just like to take long strolls in God’s Country? Well if you answered yes to that question, please don’t forget your bear spray. Hottest Bear spray works on more than just bear! Read below to her what one of our customers had to say about her encounter with a moose!

“UDAP works on moose! 
On a trail run with our dogs in Red Lodge, MT this morning we came across a moose and new calf. Our dogs are trained to not bark at or harass wildlife- and we even went off trail to give her a wide berth, but even that wasn’t enough to keep her from charging. She took 2 blasts from our canisters- and it was like she hit a glass wall. She charged 3 more times from different angles and each time took spray to the face. She moved on, and so did we.”

Thank you for such a great product! We don’t go into the backcountry without it. – Charlene Giffin- Roberts, MT

Hiking in the Great Outdoors

We encourage you to get outdoors and enjoy nature the way it was intended to be appreciated! Bring your camera, take lots of pictures and don’t forget your bear spray for all of those wild animals that you may encounter along the way!

Camping in Yellowstone Park

Are you an avid camper? Or want something fun and different to do with your family this summer? Camping in Yellowstone Park is an awesome way to enjoy the park with your family. Some of the highlights and attractions include amazing backcountry, bicycle-friendly campsite, RV parks and hiking to name a few. There are numerous camping options in Yellowstone Park. For a complete list of campsites please click here for more information.


Camping in Yellowstone Park

And as always, remember when you’re outdoors in bear country this summer to carry your Bear spray with you at all times!