Surviving in the Wilderness Without Food

As much as you may love the outdoors, being lost in the wilderness with no food is a scary thought. Contrary to what some people believe, it is still possible even for a seasoned hunter to be lost for days in the wilderness. It is also very possible to survive such a scenario, but only if you keep a cool head and remember that there are always ways of surviving until you can make it back to civilization or be rescued. Here are some tips that will help if you ever find yourself lost on a hunting trip.

Plan Ahead

The biggest mistake people can make when going on a hunting or camping trip is not planning ahead. They overestimate their own survival skills or underestimate the importance of staying healthy and the potential dangers of the wilderness. As a result, they may pay for their mistake with their lives. Before you head out into the wilderness for any reason, make sure you know what to expect. Read up on the area, and make sure you include a map and compass with your survival gear. Even if you run out of food, a good map can at least help you get someplace safe before you die of starvation. Just be careful about traveling at night; you could get disoriented if you attempt to find your way out in total darkness, even if you have a flashlight.

If you plan on carrying a hunting firearm, then give serious thought to having the right accessories on you. Whether it be extra ammunition, optics or red dot sight ( could a be a good starting point for the uninitiated), it is important to think of your own protection.

As for the rest of your survival gear, it should include a simple water purification kit, a first aid kit, matches in a waterproof container, a knife, a signaling mirror and a space blanket made from reflective Mylar.

Finally, make sure you tell at least one person where you are going. If you don’t come back by a specific time, they can alert the authorities and send someone to find you. It is always important to consider your safety and it could make all the difference when someone knows where you are and when you might need assistance.

Make Sure You Have Plenty of Water

People have been known to survive for days without food as long as they have enough fresh water to drink. Find a source of water as soon as possible, preferably before you are lost. This will not only keep you hydrated, but it can serve as a convenient landmark. Don’t forget to use your water purification kit on any water you find.

Know What You Can Eat in the Wild

There are plenty of things you can eat in the wilderness if you know where to look. You can go hunting if interested, to catch and skin a rabbit or other small animal if you have the means of cooking it. Moreover, if you take frequent hunting trips, you can also look for companions or a guide by joining a hunting network such as Team AHN. You can get necessary hunting supplies as well which can help you get better at it. Otherwise, if you have knowledge of botanic, you can also look for edible plants. You may not be in love with the thought of living off of handfuls of nuts and berries in the wild, but they just might be what keeps you alive until you can be rescued. Spend some time reading up on edible plants before your trip so you know what you can and cannot eat.

Don’t Panic

It’s easy to panic when you find yourself lost in the wilderness, but that only wastes precious energy and causes you to make stupid mistakes. Keep a cool head and conserve your energy. All you need to do is survive, and you might find that’s a lot easier than you might believe. And don’t forget your UDAP Bear Spray!

Surviving in the Wilderness Without Food

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