Real Estate Agents Placed in Danger

How many real estate agents have been placed in danger, because of the nature of their job? While I am not a realtor, there have been a few times in my life, and I suspect in yours as well, that something has happened where your life was placed in danger but you managed to avoid a catastrophe by sheer luck.  Either you realized what was about to happen and changed course or someone came to your rescue. These are the “near-misses” in our lives that we all experience from time-to-time, situations that we seldom hear about but situations that we could learn a lot from if we were made aware of the details.  Sometimes someone else causes the incident that leads to a “near miss” and there’s probably little that we can do about that except to be as observant as we can and then react quickly enough to avoid a problem.

Real Estate Agents Placed in Danger

For example, a real estate agent showing a prospective client a house after dark and he/she is robbed. Wouldn’t a stun gun or pepper spray come in handy? UDAP Stun Guns can double as a flashlight, so you have it ready in your handy and you can use it to show clients those dark crawl spaces or under sinks. Make that would be robber think twice. Don’t depend on luck to keep you safe, be prepared whether it’s carrying UDAP Pepper Spray or a UDAP Stun Gun, detect the precursors of life endangering situations and avoid them! Always be prepared for those dangerous situations.

Real Estate Agents Placed in Danger