Safety Tips for Walking to Your Car at Night

Everyone, at some point, will have to walk to his or her car in the dark of night in an empty parking lot or parking garage. It is important to know how to keep yourself safe in these moments. If there is a possible crime to take place in that dark alley, lot, or garage, it will most likely be a crime of opportunity. So, take a few precautions before walking out to your vehicle and make sure to have a plan. Here are a few tips that will hopefully keep you safer when you are walking to your car at night.

Preplan the walk to your car. If you are in an unfamiliar environment e.g. hospital parking lots, or a lot in an unfamiliar area of downtown, know the route that you are going to take back to the car. Also, it would be helpful to notice any alternate routes if by chance your intended route didn’t work out according to plan. Always remember where your car is parked. The dark of night in a quiet parking garage is not the time for you to forget where you parked the car. Take note of the spot, write it down, and put it in your phone. Don’t forget.

Black Friday Shopping Safety Tips

When you reach your car, be prepared by having the car keys ready to unlock the car door.   Don’t have the keys buried in your coat, pants pocket, or purse. If you needed access to the keys in an emergent situation, it is best to have them ready. Also, carry your keys on a key ring that you can hold through the middle when you are walking. This will help to prevent you from dropping the keys. Also, when you are walking back to your vehicle, continually scan your surroundings. Prevention is the key to your safety. Be aware of your intuition. If the situation doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Also, walk down the center isle of the parking lot; this will hopefully ensure that you are not surprised by anyone hiding behind another vehicle or a pillar in a parking garage.   And don’t forget to get your UDAP Keychain Pepper Spray to carry with you at all times.

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