Bears Coming Out of Hibernation Early

Bears came out of hibernation early this winter on the west coast due to abnormal dry winter and drought. Because of these same weather conditions, black bears may come down closer and closer to where people are looking for food. Do you have your bear spray handy and/or a plan ready for a black bear encounter? To learn more about the black bears coming out of hibernation early, you can read this article published by CBS news!
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Bears Coming Out of Hibernation Early

Hiking and Wearing Headphones

Please, help me out here, I am hiking up a jagged trail on the mountain side, enjoying the hike and the beauty of the great outdoors. I come up behind you rocking out to music or in all honesty, you may be listening to book while you are out hiking in nature. You are hiking along with headphones muffling all noise except that which is being pumped directly into your ears.

Hiking and Wearing Headphones

The problem, you don’t hear me come up behind you which means that if there is a bear or wild animal on the trail, you’re not going to hear them either. You are not fully aware of your surroundings. Wisdom is better than strength, be prepared! We all want to stay safe out there, so no headphones or at the very least, just wear one ear bud so that you can hear the sounds around you, like a charging bear!

Hiking and Wearing Headphones

Hiking in Montana

Do you enjoy hiking in Montana? Where is your favorite spot? A few great spots to hike in Montana include:

Mystic Lake is a 7 mile out and back trail located near Fishtail, Montana. The trail is primarily used for hiking and is accessible from May until October.

The Beaten Path (Backpacking) is a 26 mile point-to-point trail located near Roscoe, Montana and is rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for hiking and is accessible from June until November.

Beartooth Highway: Silver Gate to Red Lodge is a 70 mile point-to-point scenic drive near Red Lodge, Montana. The trail is primarily used for birding, mountain biking and scenic driving and is accessible from June until October.

And while you’re out hiking in Montana this spring, protect your backside! UDAP offers the first revolutionary change in bear spray delivery in 20-years! The Back Attack Pack™, be prepared for your hike as well as any wild animals that may come charging along the trail.

Hiking in Montana

What Is The Official Day of Spring?

What is the official day of Spring for 2014? It’s March 20th and with spring comes hiking and fishing and lots of outdoor activities. Have you checked your UDAP Bear Spray to be sure that you have plenty on hand? All UDAPBear Spray has an expiration date on them, be sure to check and make sure that your can of Bear Spray hasn’t expired. Our products have a shelf life of 4 years, but you should always check your Bear Spray each season or whenever it’s sat on a shelf for a long period of time.

What Is The Official Day of Spring?

With the unusual amount of snowfall this winter, we are all going to be ready for SPRING and outdoor activities with our friends and family! So enjoy your Spring, your friends and family and be SAFE!

Bear Spray vs. Bullets

Even though the Chicago Bears didn’t get in the Super Bowl XLVIII, the game between, bear spray vs bullets, has already been played and won. The winner is bear spray hands down! The firearm team played a good game and they believe that a person needs a hand gun or rifle to stop an angry bear. But the pro bear spray team has been adamant that bear spray works.

Bear Spray vs Bullets

And the bear spray team won this super bowl, but we don’t want you to take our word for it, in a recent study done by Tom S. Smith, Stephen Herrero, Terry D. Debruyn and James M. Wilder bear spray lead its team to victory.

The Results of Bear Spray vs a Firearm

Bear incidents involving 175 persons resulted in 3 injuries, all minor (less than 2% injury rate). Firearms incidents involving 478 persons resulted in 17 fatalities (15%), 25 severe injuries (22%), 42 suffered moderate injury (37%), 29 suffered slight injuries (26%), for a total 113 injuries (24% injury rate). With firearm use, it can be hard to use protective gear like a level 4 body armor or even gloves out in the wild – this may be the mandate for tactical training, but under wilderness circumstances, many situations are out of our control. Hence firearm users experienced 12 times the injury rate of those using bear spray!

Of the 71 cases where persons sprayed bears to defend themselves, 14% (10 to 71) of users reported the spray having had negative side effects upon themselves, ranging from minor irritation (11%, 8 of 71) to near incapacitation (3%, 2 of 71).

Firearm failures were identified in 100 firearm cases, where users reported mechanical or physical issues with the use of a firearm, including lack of time (32%), unable to use firearm due to situation, such as having your partner in your line of fire (21%), mechanical issues (11%), safety/holster issues (95), insufficient caliber/no bullets left (9%), distance to bear (8%), missed bear (6%), or tripped and fell (4%).

No bears were injured in conflicts involving bear spray, however, 23 bears were wounded and 176 killed in incidents involving firearms.

Why bear spray is the winner…

Bear Deterrent Pepper Spray
works better in a bear attack situation because of its ease of use. Aiming is not a big factor like it is with a firearm and you are not relying on a bullet to stop the bear by hitting it in a vital spot. Even when this is the case, sometimes the bear can advance and attack if it does not expire right away. This can actually work against the gun user as now you have a wounded bear and this may intensify the attack. With bear spray you’re not stopping the bear with pain necessarily. You might think this as it really is painful to be sprayed. However, what you’re really doing is taking away the bears senses. The bear’s sight is impaired, but more importantly its breathing and sense of smell are blasted away by the spray. Anyone that has ever been hit with a fog pattern pepper spray can tell you how difficult it is to breathe when sprayed. It actually can be like a shot to the head, since the bear navigates primarily with its nose. For a bear, this is certainly the case. The bear will have no idea what is happening and this changes the behavior the bear was displaying prior to being sprayed.

When you use bear pepper spray you’ve truly have the home field advantage! GO UDAP BEAR PEPPER SPRAY!

What is The Difference Between Bear Spray and Pepper Spray?

Pepper sprays for your key chain and the like do not work on bears. The minimum size of for bear pepper spray is 7.9 ounces or 225 grams. Each bear deterrent will contain an EPA registration and establishment number, date code and the words “bear deterrent,” “bear spray,” “bear pepper spray,” “bear mace” or “bear repellant.” Bear repellant is not a very suitable word for this product and only one manufacturer uses it. The word repellent can confuse the user in to thinking that they can spray themselves or equipment like you do a bug repellent spray.

Difference in Bear and Pepper Spray

This is NOT true nor is it the proper way to use bear deterrent. You need to actually spray low in front of the charging bear, for it to be used correctly.

Difference in Bear and Pepper Spray

This creates a protective barrier between you and the animal. In 1999, the EPA wanted to specifically label bear spray as a repellant. However, this misleads the public and the vendors into thinking that this product was to be applied to themselves and the site or equipment just like bug repellant spray. Mark Matheny worked diligently to change the word from repellant to deterrent and to stop the misuse of the product and to explain further the proper use of the spray for deterring a potential bear attack. Even though the words deterrent and repellant have the same meaning, repellant is used in relation to insect spray so commonly that deterrent is a much better fit.


How To Survive a Bear Attack

You are taking a nice hike through the woods and all of a sudden you find yourself face-to-face with a bear.

What do you do?

Be sure to prepare yourself the next time you hit the trail in bear country, carry UDAP Bear Spray! Bear pepper spray deterrent is proven your best defense in stopping a bear attack. Remember to carry your bear pepper spray where it is accessible and you know how to use it. You will be relying on your reflexes to help you get your spray deployed into the face of a charging bear. Practice several times going for your spray. This simple step can save your life!

Polar Bear, The Official Mascot of Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi

Polar Bear Mascot 2014

The polar bear is one of the official mascots for the Winter Olympics that starts February 7th and runs through the 23rd. The polar bear is one of three mascots-a snow leopard and the doe hare are the other two. They are the first mascots ever that won their spot in history by popular vote. They will be seen throughout Sochi!

Sochi is located in Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Sochi is a popular tourist destination because of its breathtaking location by the Black Sea. The city is also located directly by the border of Georgia and Abkhazia, the first of which has experienced constant violence such the fall of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s. Sochi is a prime travel destination because of its warm summer temperatures and mild winter temperatures, making it a fun destination no matter the season. Russia is one of the nations where polar bears can still be found.

Polar bears live in the Arctic in areas where they can hunt seals at openings in the sea ice called leads. There are five nations with polar bears: U.S. (Alaska), Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway. Polar bears do not live in Antarctica. Penguins do.

We’d like to say, “Good luck!” To all of the participants in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games!

Black Bears

The American black bear is the smallest of the three bears types that can be located in North America, and are it should be noted that they are only found in North America. Black bears have the ability to climb trees because of their short non-retractable claws.

Black bears are very easy going and have a variety of habitat types, they are mostly found in forested areas with thick ground vegetation and an abundance of fruits, nuts, and vegetation. In the northern areas, they can be found in the tundra, and they will sometimes forage in fields or meadows.

Black bears are inclined to be solitary animals, with the exclusion of mamma black bears and her cubs. Typically, these bears will forage alone, but will endure each other and forage in groups if there is a wealth of food in one location.

Most black bears hibernate subject to local weather trends and the availability of food throughout the winter months. In areas where there is a reliable food supply and warmer weather all winter long, bears may not hibernate at all or do so for short period of time. Female black bears will give birth and stay denned throughout the winter, but you should know that both males and females who do not have young may leave their dens from time to time during winter months.

Black Bears