Campsite Safety

Bears rarely enter occupied tents or wreck entire campsites, but, when they do, it is most often because the people camping in that camp site or at a nearby site, have not taken appropriate cautions to ensure that they have a proper clean camp. If there is even one scrap of food for the bear to access in the camp it will most likely search the rest of the camp and the surrounding area for more food. A bear’s sense of smell is over two thousand times greater then a human’s and, even seven times greater then a bloodhounds. They are thought to have one of the best, if not the best, olfactory senses on the entire planet. Every year camper’s leave out bits of dinner on picnic tables; they try to burn what they haven’t eaten in the fire; or they keep, in general, an unclean camp. While it is hard to help others to be responsible, here are a few tips for keeping a clean camp so that you can ensure that you are doing your part to not lure in potential bears into your camp or into someone else’s.

Proper food storage is very important to keeping a clean camp. Your food should be sealed in containers (preferably bear proof containers), and, if you are car camping, possibly leave it in the car near your campsite. Never store any of these things inside the tent. Food and even items like deodorant should never be kept within the tent. You don’t want to give the bear a reason to come over to inspect your tent, if, indeed, one has merely wandered into camp. If you are cooking foods that have strong smells – sausages or bacon and eggs – make sure to cook the food quite away from your camp. Bears cant resist the smell of sausage and bacon any more then you can, so having those odors as far away from where you sleep as possible is vitally important to preventing a possible encounter. Also, many developed campgrounds now use bear proof garbage bins. Make sure that if you have garbage, do not leave it in a garbage bag, dangling from a nearby picnic table overnight. Throw it away. While we cannot prevent bears from wandering into a campsite, we can prevent them from lingering, and, possibly, destroying our camp or being aggressive towards us or our neighboring campsite.

Bear Shock electric phone

Another option is to use the UDAP Bear Shock fence at your campground site for protection from Bears.

Safety Tips for Walking to Your Car at Night

Everyone, at some point, will have to walk to his or her car in the dark of night in an empty parking lot or parking garage. It is important to know how to keep yourself safe in these moments. If there is a possible crime to take place in that dark alley, lot, or garage, it will most likely be a crime of opportunity. So, take a few precautions before walking out to your vehicle and make sure to have a plan. Here are a few tips that will hopefully keep you safer when you are walking to your car at night.

Preplan the walk to your car. If you are in an unfamiliar environment e.g. hospital parking lots, or a lot in an unfamiliar area of downtown, know the route that you are going to take back to the car. Also, it would be helpful to notice any alternate routes if by chance your intended route didn’t work out according to plan. Always remember where your car is parked. The dark of night in a quiet parking garage is not the time for you to forget where you parked the car. Take note of the spot, write it down, and put it in your phone. Don’t forget.

Black Friday Shopping Safety Tips

When you reach your car, be prepared by having the car keys ready to unlock the car door.   Don’t have the keys buried in your coat, pants pocket, or purse. If you needed access to the keys in an emergent situation, it is best to have them ready. Also, carry your keys on a key ring that you can hold through the middle when you are walking. This will help to prevent you from dropping the keys. Also, when you are walking back to your vehicle, continually scan your surroundings. Prevention is the key to your safety. Be aware of your intuition. If the situation doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Also, walk down the center isle of the parking lot; this will hopefully ensure that you are not surprised by anyone hiding behind another vehicle or a pillar in a parking garage.   And don’t forget to get your UDAP Keychain Pepper Spray to carry with you at all times.

Archery Elk Season

The archery elk season in Montana is underway. And, for the archery elk hunter who has spent his summer exploring remote stands of timber most hunters only glance at on Google Earth, while hiking countless backcountry miles and prematurely wearing the sole from a pair of hunting boots, congratulations on your effort and good luck on this seasons hunt. For those hunters, however, that haven’t spent as much time in the backcountry this season, or for those hunters that aren’t sure how to effectively scout for the season, here are a few tips to help.

When you are out scouting, the most obvious signs of elk activity are droppings, tracks, and rubs. Elk are transient by nature, so being really excited about evidence of elk may be jumping the gun, so to speak. Pay attention to the freshness of the rubs on the trees, or the prevalence of the tracks, and know that it only means that elk may frequent that area, and there are a few other ways of figuring out more precise locations and patterns for the elk when the rut begins.

If you are scouting and you find a bull before the rut has begun, don’t be too excited. That bull most likely will be somewhere else when the rut actually begins. So, when you are doing your preseason scouting, make sure to pay attention to the cow elk. When those cows go into heat, those bulls wont let them out of sight.

Also, while scouting, look for elk wallows (areas where bull elk may tear up the ground to reach the mud and moisture). When the rut is on, elk will use a wallow every day, most likely in the heat of the afternoon, so knowing where fresh or old wallows are is a big advantage. Those bulls run really hot during the rut, and rely on the mud and moisture from those wallows to cool down. Areas to look for that could be potential wallows are in meadows – pay close attention to the edges of the meadows where moisture may run off and collect. Also, look for bright green patches of grasses on densely timbered slopes. Near creeks and lake are obvious choices, and also near beaver dams.

And don’t forget your UDAP Bear Spray and have it accessible in a UDAP holster while you are bow hunting this season! Archery Elk Season, UDAP hip holster for bear spray

What Makes Pepper Spray So Effective?

Most of us have heard of pepper spray. It is used by military and police forces to subdue dangerous criminals in a non-lethal way. Popular shows, such as “Cops” and “CSI” have shown or portrayed pepper spray being used to stop attackers. Some of these attackers are under the influence of very dangerous drugs, such as methamphetamines, hallucinogenics, and extremely high amounts of alcohol and unknown mixtures of any number of drugs. These drugs can make users stronger, less susceptible to pain and more volatile. So, how is it that one substance, such as pepper spray, can stop them all? Why is it so effective?

The Science Behind the Spray

Pepper spray is a derivative of cayenne pepper, more specifically, various parts of the cayenne pepper plant. When this derivative is sprayed on an assailant, it invades the lungs, eyes and sinuses. Once there, it causes burning and swelling, incapacitating the would-be assailant. A person that has been sprayed with pepper spray cannot fight back because he or she cannot breathe. The inability to breath stops the attacker, regardless of the drug or drugs he or she may be on.

The active ingredient in pepper spray is capsaicin. It is the same ingredient that gives cayenne and other peppers their sting. However, with pepper spray, the capsaicin is extremely concentrated, resulting in what is known as a substance called oleoresin capsicum. Once introduced to the respiratory system, oleoresin capsicum has the ability to render any individual helpless.

What Makes Pepper Spray So Effective

College Campus Safety

For those going to college for the first time this fall, safety is something on everyone’s minds. Many news outlets shout out how sexual offenses and assault are “practically an epidemic” on college campuses. Furthermore, frightening statistics show that college-aged students are at the highest risk of being the victim of several types of crime. Some of these are committed by someone the victim knows well. But as chilling as these can be, the news tends to hype up bad news for more views. More importantly, there are things you can do to prevent yourself from becoming a statistic.

Nobody should have to face becoming a victim of crime first-hand, and although it is never the fault of the victim, there are still plenty of things that college-age students can do to keep themselves safe.

Walking to Class or Walking Home

Contrary to what some people believe, most crimes aren’t committed by strangers who attack women or other vulnerable groups late at night. Many crimes can be committed by fellow students you know. But night attacks can still happen as there tend to be fewer witnesses at night, making criminals – both familiar and unfamiliar – bold enough to attack.

To protect yourself, try not to go out by yourself after dark if you can help it. Walk with friends, try to stick to well-lit or crowded places, avoid shortcuts, and don’t wear headphones or earbuds. If someone asks you for directions or a question from a vehicle, answer from a distance. Don’t get within arm’s length of the vehicle. Finally, if you are attacked during your walk, it helps to have a can of pepper spray with you. Pepper spray is very painful when sprayed into the eyes, and it has been known to incapacitate even the largest and most dangerous assailants.

College Campus Safety

Drink and Party Responsibly

Whether people want to admit it or not, drinking alcohol and partying is a big part of the college experience. Schools are full of young men and women who are away from home for the first time and may be getting their first true taste of alcohol. Needless to say, many freshmen don’t handle alcohol responsibly; if you’re wondering whether you are one of the many, you could check this out to see if any of the points made here ring true with you. Becoming drunk means you aren’t thinking straight, meaning it is easier for you to make decisions you regret when you are sober. It’s easier to get into a fight or take violent actions. It makes you an easier target to pickpocket or steal from. And, sadly, many people also take advantage of this kind of irresponsible drinking and use it as a chance (or excuse?) to have sexual encounters.

Know your limits with each type of alcoholic drink and stop when you have had enough when to prevent you from becoming drunk. If going to a nightclub keep your valuables secure or consider using a “get your ID here” website to get a copy ID so your real ID stays safe. Don’t drink on an empty stomach since that will cause the alcohol to be absorbed by your body more quickly. Always make sure that you have a sober friend with you and keep a close eye on your drink so that nobody has the chance to slip something into it.

Tell friends where you are

Whether you are frequenting a bar you know like the back of your hand or you are visiting a new friend at their home off-campus, tell a friend where you are. If you plan to go other places in the night tell them that too, and tell them when you get home safely. Should anything happen, your friends and law enforcement will have a record of your last steps to find and help you. To help aid communication, make sure you have the best wifi for college students in your accommodation. This will allow you to message friends and family instantly should there ever be any trouble, and will also allow you to receive messages straight away from friends in need.

Stay calm and respect boundaries

College is a place where stress flies high and where it’s easy to get worked up over the littlest things. You’ll also be in contact with people from all different kinds of backgrounds, and what they may find comfortable, you may not. Many incidents on college campuses happen because stress was not handled well or because personal and physical boundaries were not respected.

If someone says no it means no. If you feel a fellow college student is being problematic on campus there are many things you can do. You can seek help from the faculty staff or report incidents to them. You can intervene and tell that person to respect boundaries but ensure your safety and the safety of other people will not be compromised by doing this.

Trust your gut

Above all else, learn to trust your gut whenever you’re in an unfamiliar situation. If something doesn’t feel right to you or you feel uncomfortable about a certain situation, don’t be afraid to leave. Your intuition can tell you more than you know, so you should listen to it at all times. It could save your life. And be sure to carry UDAP Pepper Spray the world’s hottest pepper spray!

Four Tips to Prepare Anyone for Any Hike

Hiking is a fun past time that brings out the most adventurous at heart who wish to experience complete nature submersion, as well as physical challenges that promote a healthy lifestyle. While it may be tempting to just take off into nature, there are some important tips that can help you enjoy your time hiking even more. With some attention to some key details, you can be sure to have a fun and safe hike.

Four Tips to Prepare Anyone for Any Hike

Plan Ahead

Hiking is something that like the boy scouts, you need to be prepared for. Research what each trail consists of before venturing down it, so that you know what you are up against, and are able to bring the proper equipment, according to the Grand Canyon National Park Service. Plenty of water is essential for any hike. It is also important to bring energy boosting snacks. An extra supply is also a good idea, in case of an emergency. One should also be aware of the weather, and make sure to dress appropriately and wear sunscreen. When venturing out on a hike, use the buddy system and to try not to hike alone. Hats, UDAP Bear Spray Backpack, non-cotton clothing, bandanas, ID, healthcare cared, and credit card, and a first aid kit with a fire starting mechanism are useful tools to have when embarking on a long hike. You may want to check out an initial responders kit to get everything required for your hike so you can be rest assured you have the supplies needed in case anything were to happen.

Four Tips to Prepare Anyone for Any Hike

Leave No Trace

When you are enjoying nature, and the unspoiled natural environment you are in, it is important to leave the environment in the condition in which you found it, according to Alexander Davies of Discovery News. With the exception of picking up human waste and litter left behind by former hikers, it is best to leave the natural habitat as it is. If rock piles are discovered, you should leave them be. You should not carve out new trails, or destroy living matter. You should not do anything that would cause the natural living organisms of the wild to experience any difficulties; causing them to become sick, or even die. This is to ensure that the cherished natural spaces remain in such a state for future generations to come. You must be respectful of nature, and do all that is possible to reduce their impact and footprint upon it. It is as beautiful as it is still because of its lack of human inhabitation.

Have the Proper Gear

In addition to the above-mentioned food, water, and clothing, you should be sure to carry a compass, pocketknife, and map. If the hike takes place where the weather gets cold, it is best to bring warm clothing. When camping overnight, it is key to have really great gear such as a UDAP Bear Spray, tent, camping pad, sleeping back, backpack, etc. These can aid in your survival, no matter how rough the conditions.

Many people go hiking for a specific purpose, whether it be photography, birdwatching, stargazing, or anything else wilderness-related. For such specific cases, it is necessary to keep in mind that the weather is going to play a big part in whether your adventure is successful or not. That is why many people carry gear such as weather stations or rain gauges with them to give them a warning of any incoming weather event. It is also important to carry protective gear with you if you already know how the weather is going to be and what kind of threats you should expect due to it (mosquitoes in humidity, bugs during the rain, predatory animals in dry summers, and so on).

Be Cognizant of Wild Animals

You may encounter a wild animal, or several during a hike, make sure that you are carrying your UDAP Bear Spray. Be sure to research the wild animals of the area that you are going to be hiking in, as well as studying these animals, and the ways in which you should interact when faced with such a confrontation. Be respectful of the animals and know which plants are edible, as well as which insects, spiders, and snakes are poisonous.

Four Tips to Prepare Anyone for Any Hike

Having the best hiking equipment can aid in preparations for what is ahead. Protection from harmful forces is greater when the equipment used is of the highest quality.

Real Estate Market is Booming

The real estate market is booming, in part thanks to the oil field workers. Realtors are having problems finding houses to sell and sellers are benefiting from the bidding wars on multiple offers.

And while the multiple offers sound good, it’s not all good for realtors. Recently, in New York, a homeless man robbed a real estate agent at knife point as she showed him an empty house. According to USA Today, 2 real estate agents were killed as they were showing a house and another robbed.

Real Estate Agents need to show houses, but they need to stay safe as well! UDAP has an electric stun gun with a flashlight to help. The agent can carry the stun gun in his/her hand while showing a house, using it as a flashlight and it’s ready to go if needed. Keep yourself safe. For more information, you can view our entire selection at!

Real Estate Market is Booming

Smartphone Theft On The Rise

Smartphone thefts rose again in 2013 despite efforts to stop them.  According to the Huffington Post, it has become an epidemic of violent street crimes. Police Departments nation wide have stepped up efforts to educate the public on Smartphone theft safety to prevent being a victim of robbery.

Smartphone Theft On The Rise

There is currently a nationwide effort to encourage Smartphone makers to create a “kill switch” that will render the phone useless if stolen. Some companies are implementing kill switches and while others are looking at it, Smartphone users need to become more aware of their surroundings. Watch the people around them, whether sitting in a restaurant or walking down the street.

UDAP Pepper Power has two products that can assist you in staying safe. UDAP self defense pepper spray!

Smartphone Theft Epidemic

The theft of handheld devices is the fastest-growing street crime in the Country, where more and more incidents are turning violent.  Walking down the street and talking on your iPhone, where a thief will attempt to rip it right out of your hand. If you try to stop the thief, the thief will beat you up until he gets the phone. Victims have ended up with broken bones, in the hospital and left with no recourse to get their stolen smartphones back.

Smartphone Theft Epidemic

San Francisco District Attorney George Gascon, about 1.6 million Americans had their smartphones stolen last year. And according to the Federal Communications Commission, around 40 percent of robberies in major cities now involve mobile devices.

Mobile phones have reshaped that way that we live. Smartphones can be sold on the black market for anywhere from $300 to $600. Law enforcement and Government Officials are asking manufacturers for a kill switch to be put in mobile devices that will render the phone unusable by the thief or anyone if it is reported stolen. There is much debate from the manufactures in doing this. Will it become mandated? We don’t know, but we would like to recommend that you carry your UDAP Pepper Spray with you when you are out walking. Be aware of your surroundings and the people around you. Put your mobile devices away and out of sight when you are walking in major cities. Be safe!

Smartphone Theft Epidemic


Personal Defense-Bear Spray and Electric Stun Guns

If you haven’t read the recent news in Billings, there is a serial rapist on the loose and it is leaving women scrambling to learn more about personal defense. While Billings is getting the headlines right now, colleges and other cities have crime rates that leave us all searching for ways to protect ourselves or find new avenues for personal defense!

Personal Defense

At UDAP Pepper Power  we believe in not only women’s safety but everyone’s safety. Pepper spray can also stop an attacker. We also have a new product, electric stun guns. We have various sizes including compact in both pepper bear spray and stun guns so that you won’t have any problem carrying them when your walking, hiking or jogging to assist you in Personal Defense! These products also come in pink for women!

Personal Defense

Personal Defense is something that we all should be thinking about and we should be proactive. While we don’t want to believe that these terrible things can happen to us, they can happen to anyone and you are better off being prepared!